Again, I can't stress this enough: foobar2000's current skinning system is a complete disaster. If not, at least design a better native skinning system, which is similar to Winamp 2.x and AIMP skins (bmp/png images with some simple style sheets). So personally, I think that not only should foobar support Winamp 2.x skins, but also AIMP skins. You have to read manuals and follow instructions and so on, and they not only bug out your foobar2000 installation, they also lack support for various fb2k features. With foobar2000 on the other hand, installing a skin is like a major chore. With Winamp 2.x skins and AIMP skins, all you have to do is load these wsz/acsx files into the respective players, and that's it. This is because they're standardized as a simple wsz in Winamp or acs2/acs3/acs4 files in the case of AIMP, and these files contain images and style sheets, and there are literally no bugs and other issues with Winamp and AIMP skins, because as revolutionary as it might sound, they don't modify Winamp and AIMP's internals, whereas installing foobar2000 skins, does. Winamp 2.x skins (and AIMP's skinning system also, both of which are far superior to the current foobar skinning system in their design) are completely non-problematic.

This is due to all the scripts and heavy modifications that are required to install foobar skins. I've tried installing various fb2k skins, and aside from that none of them are actually good and useful, they also completely break and bug out foobar, to the point that a clean install of foobar becomes necessary. Winamp 2.x skins support, would be a great additional feature for foobar2000, especially given the disaster that is currently fb2k's skin system. Guys, what's up with the anti-social attitude? Jessica is asking a perfectly valid question here.