However, Sony have clearly been busy listening to the Acid user base, because the obvious highlights of the new version are the significant improvements to the audio/MIDI recording and editing capabilities. Of course, version 6 retains all the functionality of previous releases, including an interface that is extremely easy to use, a Video window for working to picture, and automatic, real-time pitch-shifting and tempo-matching of audio loops that is simply as good as it gets. That said, despite better tools for audio and MIDI recording, Acid 5 was still very much a tool for building musical arrangements out of audio loops, so the Rewire support was pretty much essential if more than just the occasional audio or MIDI recording was required within a project. The latter in particular was a real leap forward, making Acid much easier to integrate with most MIDI + Audio sequencers. When I reviewed version 5 back in the April 2005 issue of SOS three new features really stood out: Groove Mapping, the Media Manager and Rewire client support. Having survived - and indeed prospered - since Sonic Foundry were taken over by Sony's Media Software division, Acid Pro has now reached version 6. Some may find it hard to believe that the original loop-based music production package, Acid, has now been with us for nearly a decade.

The original loop-sequencing package has grown into a fully-fledged audio and MIDI recording program.